Terms and Conditions

GEO PORTALS, S.L. with registered office in Andorra, Avda. del Pessebre 58, 2nd, 3rd, registered with the Registered Number of the company of Andorra 12838, llibre S-176, Foli 481-490, and provided with NRT number L-707990-G, from now "Barcelona.com"



Our team of talented techies have created the Barcelona.com website as a way to reach out to travelers and offer you fabulous experiences in Barcelona (Spain). But there are some rules that we ask you to please follow when using our website

Our Terms and Conditions section outlines what we expect from our customers and also allows you to make the most of our online services!

These general Terms & Conditions regulate the legal relationship that arises from the contract process between you and the Barcelona.com website. You accept the Terms & Conditions from the moment you use, hire or purchase any product. You can print and store this document for future reference, and ask any questions you may have about it by sending an email to tours@barcelona.com

Unless otherwise stated, purchases made through www.barcelona.com are subject to these Terms & Conditions. In all booking arrangements, the person making the booking shall be deemed to have accepted these conditions on behalf of the persons named in the booking.



By accepting these terms, you declare that:

You agree to use Barcelona.com only for lawful purposes and in a way that does not infringe on the rights of, restrict or inhibit anyone else's use and enjoyment of Barcelona.com

Your use of Barcelona.com is intended for personal, noncommercial use and/or to make legitimate requests to book the services offered. You agree not to use this site to make any speculative, false or fraudulent requests. You agree not to use robots or other automated means to access this site, unless specifically permitted by barcelona.com.

Barcelona.com may change these Terms & Conditions at any time in order to improve the services and products offered through the Barcelona.com website. These changes will be posted online, so please review these Terms & Conditions regularly in order to ensure you are aware of them. Your continued use of Barcelona.com after changes are posted means you agree to be legally bound by these terms as updated and/or amended.

We grant you permission to use the site, subject to the restrictions in these Terms & Conditions. In accessing or using the site, you may be exposed to content that is offensive, indecent, inaccurate, objectionable, or otherwise inappropriate to you. You therefore access and use the site at your own risk.

If you do not agree to be legally bound by all the following Terms & Conditions, please do not access and/or use Barcelona.com



The Terms & Conditions are subject to the provisions In compliance with Article 13 of Law 15/2003 entitled Personal Data Protection of December 18, of the Government of Andorra.



  • Select the tour you want.
  • Enter your information, making sure all data is complete, correct and up to date.
  • For tours that offer the option to pay directly, choose the payment method and click the “Book now” button. By clicking the button on the purchase form, you agree fully and without reservation to all the conditions of purchase appearing on the website at the time.
  • If the payment is authorized, you will receive a confirmation email shortly after at the address you specified when you entered your information. This confirmation constitutes an acceptance of the specifications and characteristics of the service you purchased through Barcelona.com and is a binding contract between you and Geo Portals, S.L., provided the product is available. We recommend that you print and/or save a copy of the purchase conditions as well as the confirmation email, for future reference.
  • The completion of an order through the website is subject to its availability. Barcelona.com will inform you by email if a service is not available and you will be reimbursed the amount paid no later than 7 days following the payment.
  • Barcelona.com reserves the right to reject any or cancel any request, among others, for the following reasons:
    • There was a technical error in pricing or on the website at the time of the order.
    • Lack of availability of the product.
    • The payment information was unverifiable or inaccurate.
    • Security systems indicate that the request is failed, or may be fraudulent.



  • Prices listed on Barcelona.com are per person/per service, unless otherwise specified.
  • All prices are in EUR.
  • The value of the transaction may be subject to taxes, foreign transaction, currency exchange or other fees. Your bank, credit card company, debit card company, or PayPal may convert the payment into the local currency and charge fees, resulting in differences between the amount displayed on Barcelona.com, and the final amount charged to your bank account, credit card, debit card, or PayPal statement. Please contact your bank or card company if you have any questions concerning any applicable conversion or fees.
  • Price quotations are subject to change without notice, until a booking has been confirmed.
  • Prices do not include tips/gratuities to tour directors, drivers or local guides.



  • Payment for services booked directly on the Barcelona.com website should be made in its entirety before said services are provided, either via credit card or PayPal.
  • In the case of tours that require prior booking request, payment will be arranged directly with the tour provider before the tour.
  • All payments to Barcelona.com are processed through PayPal or Stripe, an online payment service that has been certified for its safety measures and dedication to data protection and privacy. Their safety measures include such features as 3D Secure, fraud checks, data encryption and global black lists.
  • We accept all major credit card companies and PayPal.
  • Full payment by credit card, debit card, or PayPal is required to make a reservation through the Barcelona.com website. Payment will be listed as Barcelona.com on the credit or debit card statement.
  • Your payments are totally secure. Maximum security, confidentiality and encryption during transmission of data are guaranteed.



  • Barcelona.com is a registered trademark.
  • Contents, graphic elements, logos, designs, images, source code and other elements that form part of the website are the property of Barcelona.com
  • You may not copy, reproduce, republish, download, post, broadcast, transmit, make available to the public, or otherwise use Barcelona.com content (inclusive of text, images, URLs, pricing information, etc.) in any way except for your own personal, non-commercial use. Any other use of Barcelona.com content requires the prior written consent from Barcelona.com.
  • Purchasing a product or service through Barcelona.com does not confer any right of alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication of said product or service, reserving Barcelona.com all the rights.
  • Barcelona.com has obtained the information and materials on the web from sources considered reliable, and has taken reasonable measures to ensure that the information is correct. Barcelona.com cannot guarantee that at all times and circumstances the information will be accurate, complete, and current, since data is subject to change. Barcelona.com expressly disclaims any responsibility for errors or omissions in the information contained in the pages of this website.
  • Under no circumstances Barcelona.com, its affiliates, service providers, suppliers and/or distributors, subsidiaries, and their directors and/or agents, and employees, will be responsible for any damage, loss, claims or expenses of any kind, either whether derived directly or indirectly from the use of the website or the information acquired or accessed by or through it; viruses, operating failures, outages or transmission failures when using the web, both by direct connection by link or otherwise. Barcelona.com acknowledges for all legal reasons that these events can occur.
  • Any denomination, design and/or logo, and any product or service offered and reflected on this website are brands duly registered by Barcelona.com, by its subsidiaries or third parties. Any misuse of them by persons other than their legitimate owner and without the specific consent of Barcelona.com may be reported and pursued through the legal means available in the Andorran legal system.
  • Barcelona.com and its agents and suppliers, in making arrangements for hotels, tours, transportation or any service in connection with the itineraries of individual customers, shall not be liable for injury, damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity, liability or expense to person or property due to act of default by any hotel, carrier or other company or person providing services included in the tours.
  • Furthermore, Barcelona.com and its agents and suppliers accept no responsibility for any sickness, pilferage, labor disputes, machinery breakdown, government restrains, acts of war and/or terrorism, weather conditions, defect in any vehicle of transportation or for any misadventure or casualty or any other causes beyond their control.



  • All products, tours and services offered by Barcelona.com are valid as per the dates displayed at Barcelona.com.
  • Barcelona.com is not responsible or liable for any information that it does not directly provide.
  • Occasionally our suppliers and/or service providers make changes to tour dates, prices, inclusions, coverage, age requirements, etc. When we are informed in advance by our agents, service providers and/or suppliers of a significant change to a booking and/or to a tour or event, we make every reasonable effort to notify our customers, in order to amend or re-issue the booking where feasible.



  • The web pages at Barcelona.com may contain links to other third-party websites. We do not take any responsibility for the information or content that may appear on these pages, as they are the sole responsibility of their owners.
  • Barcelona.com does not consider products, services, contents, data or any existing materials on third party websites linked to from our website to be our property, and absolves itself of responsibility for the quality, reliability or usefulness of exterior websites.
  • In the case that any customer/user claims the right to a product and/or service, such claims or actions of any responsibility are exempt from Geo Portals, S.L., its managers, operators and agents.



The customers/users of Barcelona.com cannot claim compensation from the directors, agents and employees of Barcelona.com, for the misuse of their data or activities via third party organizations, or their breach of the Terms & Conditions and other policies that are considered incorporated herein, or for violation of any laws or rights of others.



If any of these terms are determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable by reason of the laws of any state or country in which these terms are intended to be effective, then to the extent and within the jurisdiction in which that term is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, it shall be severed and deleted from these terms and the remaining terms shall survive, remain in full force and effect and continue to be binding and enforceable.



All notices, requests, demands and other communications that are made in connection with the Terms & Conditions, shall be in writing and shall be attended to when received via email at tours@barcelona.com



These Terms & Conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the Laws of Andorra jurisdiction.